Booking details of the Auditorium -1.

For tariff and other charges
please email ( your requirements or
call us at Land line: 91-044-2464 1767 or Mob: 91-86103 57987.

One of the finest Auditorium in Chennai, is at the heart of the city's cultural hub - Mylapore. Very well designded stat of the art auditorium with hi-quality aquastics and lighting.
- Seating Capacity of 490 - Gound floor.
- Seating Capacity of 170 - Balcony.
- Redefining our Sabha experience of the Rasikas.
- Well equiped green room.
- Mechanical chair for seniors in wheel-chairs- to be transported to the main seating area, in the ground floor auditorium.
Stage decoration, video, photo and live streeming can be arranged with our associates.
Allied programs
No of concerts per year