Rasika Ranjani Sabha

Welcome to Rasika Ranjani Sabha popularly known as RR Sabha. We have come a long way since 2004, when the old concert hall was pulled down. It was nothing short of the Vanvas of Lord Rama and our members have put in enormous efforts to complete the project and restore the Sabha to its grandeur. Relaunching the Sabha is the most prestigious feat for every one of us in the committee.
Here we present the all-new RR Sabha which is all set to redefine the art scape of Chennai. The Sabha will curate theme festivals round the year to make it the most happening venue in the city. It has been rebuilt with a farsighted vision to cater to the needs of performers and organizers in the years to come. The contemporary styling and facilities juxtaposed with tradition and classical imagery makes it an architectural landmark apart from being a cultural landmark. The picture-perfect venue for all cultural exclusivities be it a dance, musical recital, theater, seminars, talk show or a workshop.
Walk in to get a glimpse of this Modern Classic.
Wishing you a enriching experience at our Sabha.
Sri. A.R. Santhanakrishnan,
President, Rasika Ranjani Sabha