
Rasika Ranjani Sabha

"Music in Perpetuity" December Programs-2022
Music Concerts, Dance, Drama and Discussions...

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"Monthly Programs November-2022"
Music Concerts, Drama and exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava, etc...

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"Monthly Programs October-2022"

Nrtyotsava 2022, Music Concerts, Dance, Drama and
exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava, etc...

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"Monthly Programs September-2022"

Youvotsav 2022, Music Concerts, Dance, Drama and
exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava, etc...

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"Monthly Programs August-2022"

Music Concerts, Dance, Drama and
exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava, etc...

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Rasika Ranjani Sabha

"Monthly Programs July-2022"

Music Concerts and
exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava and Lecture demostration...etc...

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"Monthly Programs June-2022"

Music Concerts, Dance, Drama, exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava and Lecture demostration...etc...

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"Monthly Programs May- 2022"

Music Concerts, Drama, Movie, exclusive programs like Laya Anubhava and Legends of Tamil Movies...etc...

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"TAMIL ISAI SAARAL 2022 (5th Year)"

TAMIL ISAI SAARAL is an initiative by R R Sabha that is conducting an exclusive Tamil Isai festival, featuring concerts and lecture-demonstration from the compositions of select Tamil composers. Like, Subscribe and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest program updates.

View Program Schedule of TAMIL ISAI SAARAL 2022.

Monthly programs - April 2022

RASIKA RANJANI SABHA Mylapore is launching a new thematic programme The Laya-Anubhava Series.

This will be a monthly evening programme of One and Half hours covering various aspects of Percussion and Laya. The Vocal concert format so popular today owes a lot to the mridangam ghatam Kanjira artists with whose support our concerts stand enriched and enlivened.

As you probably know we have 2 prominent schools of Laya, Tanjore, and Pudukkotai, and several doyens of both schools have carried this legacy. A few of the older generation masters are fortunately still with us and they can share their glorious experiences in their journey as accompanying artists and the special mridangam techniques styles and the complicated mathematics involved in the Laya in Carnatic Music.

While all Sabhas routinely hold vocal concert events and festivals equal honor and recognition is due must be given to the Legacy of Percussion.

This Series is being curated as a monthly programme in the format of a Conversation cum lecture demonstration with some of the doyens. We also will culminate the series with an Annual event as 5 day Laya festival. This series of programmes will enrich the knowledge of young artists and Rasikas equally. Shri Guruvayur Dorai who has consented to launch the Event will be the Chief Guest. Shri Mannarkoil Balaji will moderate and curate all events.

You can watch live streeming if available.

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Monthly programs - March 2022

R R Sabhas presnts Vocal cconcerts, Lecture demonstration, Instrumental music and Stage plays.

You can watch live streeming if available.

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Monthly porgrams - February 2022
Music Concerts.

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Drama Festival - January 2022

Programs are postponed due to COVID-19. The new schedule will be updated.

Dramas by eminent artists are lined up for the Rasikas.

View Program Schedule of Drama Festival 2021.

Yuvotsav - Kalabaranam - November 2021

Yuvotsav programmes are conducted featuring the best of talent among the young across all genres in music, dance, kathakalakshebam, folk music and instrumental.

View Program Schedule of Yuvotsav - Kalabaranam.

Monthly programs - November 2021

R R Sabhas's regular programs of Lecture demonstration and concerts.

View Program Schedule.

Music in Perpetuity - December 2021

R R Sabha Music Festival from 4 to 16 December 2021

Though our music is frequently traced to the period of Sarngadeva, or even to the Sama Veda, the music that we hear is predominantly a culmination of the art form developed and evolved during the last century. The change of patronship from the hands of kings and other nobles to the connoisseurs changed not only the texture of the music, but also resulted in many innovations that are made to appease the quest of the general public. There is a shift from 'ragam,tanam, pallavi' oriented Carnatic music concerts to concerts filled with kritis and other 'bhakthi' oriented songs. Vidvan Ariyakkudi Ramanuja Iyengar is credited to get in the change. He, having got inspiration from his teacher introduced various genres in his concerts. This transformation helped the public to get more connected with our music. From the above discussion, it can be perceived that the musicians, backed by the compositions of the great composers bequeathed the music to the present generation.

RR Sabha, perhaps the one of the few Sabha to host a live programme, this year has formulated a thematic concept 'Music in Perpetuity' wherein the idea is to connect, recall, and recognize the yesteryear concert performers who have donned our concert halls and set the stage for the concert format as it exists today. This is an opportunity for us to pay a tribute to the icons of Carnatic music and composers whose inspiration, mastery, and influence has left an indelible impact on the later musicians.

The programme is structured to include both lecture demonstrations and live concerts. The lectures focus on the composers of the Thyagaraja lineage and iconic musicians from whom we derive our legacy. of the yester years, the concerts are dedicated to the memory of the iconic musicians. Though the post Trinity period saw the development of great composers, we wish to restrict ourselves to the musician composers who belong to the lineage of Tyagaraja Svamigal.

The kritis composed by the great vaggeyakara-s in keeping our music perpetual need not be stressed again. Amongst them, the kritis of Tyagaraja Svamigal plays a prominent place due to its variegated level of complexity, musical approach and theme involved. Also, he was one of the composers to have had a large number of disciple lineage. Hence, the present programme is restricted only to his disciple lineage. It is to be remembered; RR Sabha is also involved in archiving the musical contribution made by his prime disciples.

The musicians discussed in this series were much influential in moulding and shaping the musical thoughts of the present-day musicians. Hence no constraints were made in the selection of the concerts for the live concert sessions. Though we have a gallery of highly illustrious and legendary musicians, we have restricted the number of sessions to eight considering the time available. We have plans to extend our tribute to other musicians in the near future.

View/Download Program Schedule of "Music in Perpetuity" Music Festival 2021.

Programs :2023|2024|2025>|

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